CHIP 2021-05 Bounded Looping Operations

I support this improvement. Pretty close to what I had argued for when Bitcoin’s forth-like VM was first announced. Bounded non-determinism rather than unlimited Turing completeness. No need for gas. All leaving this out did was create huge transactions for unrolled fixed loops and eliminate any chance for flexible but safe dynamic runtime logic.


I see there are some example cases in the CHIP around how this may be used.

What I did not find mentioned (maybe I overlooked something) is mention of looping – possibly with nesting – of some expensive operations like signature verifications, possibly in some degenerate scripts which may be small in terms of script size, run fine (even within the bounds of REPEATED_BYTES) but take a long time to execute and hence pose a new risk if they are not easily spotted ahead of execution time…

At the moment we have a transaction’s size as a proxy for its complexity – sigops which skew this are already subject to separate regulations. This makes is somewhat easier to spot potential “troublemakers”.

I think loops could pose a difficulty for keeping script verification performance well scalable (i.e. open up new DoS vectors) if they are not screened with some care.
Certainly this seems like a juicy CHIP to review in terms of possible pathologies.

Doesn’t this solve the issues you described? SigChecks protection Protocol Upgrade


At first glance, I think it would solve it for signature checks, yes. Thanks Tom.


Yes counting the difference in position between the begin/until against total script size limits (which actually penalizes code within the loop that may perform if branches) is a vastly cheaper method of cost accounting transaction executions than gas. Elegant and simple to implement. This is a really powerful improvement to bitcoinscript that only has upside in terms of expressiveness and physical tx size savings.


Great work! This proposal is well thought out and allows much more utility without significantly increasing node operating costs, and it would be great if it could make it into 2023 or 2024 upgrade window. Clever way to limit the “damage” by essentially interpreting it as a macro, it can’t expand to more than the equivalent “manual” looping 10,000b script. Paired with hash counter of the other CHIP, I think we can unlock a lot of utility at negligible or even 0 expense.


I think bounded loops would be a very nice addition to the BCH VM!
Now that Bitcoin Cash scriptability has become much more powerful with CashTokens it would be good to document the practical needs for “Simplifying Repeated Procedures” like merkle proof validation and “Aggregation” like aggregating value of all inputs. This way we can better understand its practical relevancy.

For example the workaround for a person adding multiple UTXOs to a smart contract and the contract aggregating the input values would be a simple consolidation beforehand. We already see this type of “consolidate UTXOs” button used for the Paytaca browser extension. Only In the case where the added inputs are controlled by different parties would this not be possible.

Any practical & pressing needs for merkle validation would also be good to be documented. Merkle root validation was an important part of pmv3 tokenization but luckily that complexity was avoided by the CashTokens CHIP which replaced it.


It the research topic “The need for additional Math opcodes@bitcoincashautist discussed how bounded loops can be used to emulate missing math opcodes like pow & log.

Further in the topic it was discussed how bounded loops could be used to emulate higher order division together with op_muldiv

So although there’s no pressing need for aggregation/merkle root validation, bounded loops enable emulating opcodes like pow & log and enable higher precision math division (uint126)


Hi all, I’m re-proposing this for activation in 2026. No changes to the technical specification, just cleaned up background info and removed the note that it’s waiting on CHIP 2021-05 Targeted Virtual Machine Limits (now part of the 2025 upgrade :rocket:)


I posted some discussion here:


Nice! It’s missing a note on interaction with VM limits: of course each executed opcode inside loops should add to the running opcode and hash cost and if it exceeds the budget the TX would fail.

Good approach to limit total unrolled size to 10k, so we can’t have a situation where a loop ends up executing 100k cheap ops and bloats the script while still staying under the total op cost budget.


Yes, thanks! Added an issue here: Drop `Repeated Bytes` · Issue #5 · bitjson/bch-loops · GitHub

We can actually drop the Repeated Bytes concept altogether, potential abuse is fully handled by VM limits, and there are plenty of important algorithms in the zero-knowledge proof and post-quantum world that will require more (but computationally cheap) instructions. (Wanted to get the other proposals out yesterday and didn’t want to make any technical changes to loops without a changelog and updated test vectors. Working on this next.)


Any need for something to break out of loops early? Like OP_BREAK?


Ok, thank you all for your patience here, the CHIP is updated:

  • The Repeated Bytes counter is eliminated (the VM Limits CHIP already sets much stricter limits than Repeated Bytes ever did)
  • Links to implementations and test vectors
  • now includes a changelog, with this version marked as v.1.2.0.

Also updated in Libauth and Bitauth IDE’s next branches (live already on and the test vectors and performance benchmarks have been updated/expanded.

It should be possible to rewrite any program that uses OP_BREAK (and/or an OP_CONTINUE) into something using e.g. OP_IF/OP_ELSE/OP_ENDIF. So OP_BREAK wouldn’t enable new use cases, and it would only save a few bytes per loop here and there.

Most opcodes we’ve added so far are enabling new use cases and/or saving hundreds/thousands of bytes, so comparatively it’s hard to justify taking up additional codepoints to save a few bytes in a small subset of contracts. (Though I wouldn’t necessarily be against OP_BREAK and/or OP_CONTINUE if someone were to demonstrate their value.)

I’ll add a mention in rationale, thanks!


True. Code points are very limited and if we use them all up we are forced to go with 2 byte code points … which is also potentially wasteful.


Small issue:
There’s still a reference to a Repeated Bytes counter under “Technical Specification”

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Ah – just removed that outdated reference, thank you!

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What influenced the choice of naming? I see that in other forth(s) out there, it’s DO.... LOOP and/or other keywords are used, never BEGIN....UNTIL.

My problem is with the choice of OP_BEGIN which I feel is not indicative of a loop.

In older languages like pascal, BEGIN just meant the start of a code block (like the curly brace { in C or JavaScript).

I wonder whether OP_BEGIN is unexpected as the keyword for the start of a loop … since it defies expectations as compared to other languages… perhaps?

Maybe OP_LOOPOP_UNTIL would be a better choice of names?

Or, do you envision re-using OP_BEGIN to signify some other construct in the future?


Hmm. Nevermind. I actually see there are some forth(s) out there that do exactly BEGIN UNTIL. So this does keep with the tradition of at least some forths. See: Simple Loops (Gforth Manual)

I rescind my previous comment.

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I want to add to the discussion that loops would make array-datastructure abstractions much more useful in high level languages compiled to BCH script

‘for each element in array do x’, currently variable sized array abstractions are not really possible.

IMO the usecases in the CHIP should be updated, different people seem to have the understanding that this functionality isn’t really required yet by contract authors in practice - i strongly disagree but the CHIP is very much lacking in this regard as the use-cases are described in a very abstract way and haven’t been updated since 2021…

It would also be good to refer to the native introspection CHIP to emphasize that aggregation was expected to be delivered in this way:

While it would be possible to define aggregate operations like OP_TXINPUTVALUE and OP_TXOUTPUTVALUE to make this derived state accessible to all contracts, this proposal considers standardization of any derived state to be premature

now there’s also aggregation of CashTokens in the in- and outputs so it saves having to introduce atleast 4 different opcodes

Further it would become possible to construct tx.hashOutputs and tx.hashPrevouts like we had before native introspection. This could be useful in case a multi-step contract can commit to later payouts, like demo-ed in my ‘upgraded sha gate’ contract