CHIP 2023-04 Adaptive Blocksize Limit Algorithm for Bitcoin Cash

As little as my statement matters on this, but seeing others recently post about this, I officially support this CHIP <3

@bitcoincashautist thank you for all your efforts, as well as all others commenting and contributing to this. BCA you have been outstanding at responding to everyone all this time. We all can be inspired by your dedication, contribution, collected demeanor.


but this will NEVER happen so long as TG (a closed platform that requires KYC phone verification to access its network) is the “default” channel for “open” communications

there’s gotta be a better option than TG for a “permissionless” and “peer-to-peer” community to communicate effectively :pray:

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Unfortunately I agree. TG is not permissionless.

In no way I was implying that it has to be TG. It just has to be

  • Modern (emojis, gifs, link preview, easy moderation)
  • Functional
  • Decentralized
  • Popular

The problem with solutions that have the first 3 is that they are not popular. Network effects are extremely hard to get started.

OK anyway, let’s stop the offtopic now, this is not the place to discuss this in depth.


I resisted Tg initially and then realized I’m missing out because that’s where everyone hangs out, and then I found a way to get a no-KYC phone number. It was not a terrible obstacle.
People will gather wherever they like to gather, it’s not like someone decided it will be Tg. It happened spontaneously and here we are.
As of few days ago, accepts BCH and you can get a no-KYC number for $15/year.


This can be a major problem in many countries.

But people who have the imperative to stay anon like me and you, find a way.

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sure! i wasn’t implying that you did. i just wanted to stress how much i appreciate the open communications on THIS platform, especially because it’s “truly” permissionless :clap: :+1:

exactly! the FOMO is real lol :pleading_face:

that’s fantastic! imma definitely check this out … would be great if it worked for Discord too :wink:

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Whoah that’s awesome.

Alas…there are no phone numbers available at the moment :frowning:

I fully support this CHIP, It took me quite a while to get through the many components within the chip and algorithm especially since my initial response was: but what if we have exponential adoption? Since if have some background (although limited) in control theory (mainly closed loop PID controllers) this piqued my interest in how the constants are determined in the algorithm. All I can say now is that the only reason not to implement this would be that it would be adding some complexity in a system where I personally admire base layer simplicity, that being said, bitcoincashautist has done an extraordinary job on covering my initial concerns and showing many examples of possible scenarios to the point i’m convinced the positive impact of this upgrade strongly outweighs any negatives I can think of. I really appreciate all the work that has been done on this and fully support it.


That’s awesome! I was hoping to get someone with experience with control theory/systems to review it and thank you very much for doing it!!!

I kinda rediscovered control theory through this CHIP, and then added all the nice references to EWMA’s role in other industries as a control function, and it’s nice to get confirmation & endorsement from someone like yourself who has actual background in the field!

OK to add your post to CHIP’s stakeholder responses? What should I use as your title/background?


Sure, I actually enjoyed having an excuse to refresh some of the concepts I had gotten a little rusty on. I’m a Mechatronics engineer with experience in robotics.


Forgot to add my formal support in this thread – for future reference:

Thanks again to @bitcoincashautist for working tirelessly to make this happen!


Didn’t realize it was a BitPay proposal originally! I knew it’s been around for some time but wow!

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This proposal was 7 years in the making…

I remember discussions about similar algorithms dating back to 2016.


Yeah! Just for reference:


I actually had gone through many of these in the past!

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10/10 meme.

The name’s Jessica, Jessica ABLA.


checking in to see where this stands, are we set for May activation?



Code is merged: Implement CHIP-2023-04 Adaptive Blocksize Limit Algorithm (!1782) · Merge requests · Bitcoin Cash Node / Bitcoin Cash Node · GitLab

And preparation for release of BCHN v27 is ongoing: Draft: Release Notes for Bitcoin Cash Node v27.0.0 (!1803) · Merge requests · Bitcoin Cash Node / Bitcoin Cash Node · GitLab