This whole discussion has gotten weird.
People are comparing two ideas that neither is perfect. Notice that here on bchr we don’t actually have the actual proposals in detail so the “it uses less bytes” is a bit hard to follow and likely closes the discussion to a lot of readers.
But there is no point in comparing two, we can make 20 new proposals based on what it is that we actually want. There is no reason to limit us to just those two.
And, as I pointed out in another thread: Brainstorming OP_EVAL - #14 by tom, the comparison is mostly based on false premises. There are not just TWO ways of doing things that pick things like stack protection. Stack protection is an ingredient that can be applied to either propoosal under discussion today.
The real question is not about picking between two options, the real question is to find a good way that uses the various ingredients we actually want.
As far as I can tell, the ingredients you can mix and match are:
- Stack-protection
- Requiring a method declaration and then calling it based on a method-index (two opcodes).
- Being able to put methods in another output on the same transaction.
- Being able to get the method-code from stack, which implies being able to execute code that is untrusted.
- Being able to write self-modifying code.
Personally, I’d add stack protection as that is virtually free. It stops script writers doing really nasty things that breaks good programming assumtions.
Having the idea of a method declaration is neat as that saves bytes in calling, as your indexes are always 1 byte. Additionally it provides compiler safety because your compiler can ensure that the method you call has the right number of parameters (see linked post).
Being able to put methods in another output fits very nicely in the rest of our scripting design and allows neat things like being able to do verification of the methods-holding-output by simply hashing it and comparing the hash, all in script.
Being able to call code that at any point is stored on the stack, however, sounds to me like something you really really want to avoid. I mean, we introduced p2sh-32, so maybe it is not sane to introduce a no-checking way to execute a script that can be pushed in the unlocking script. Now, I know you can also check the hash of that, but if you’re supposed to always include that check, then that warrents its own opcode. An op-mast, if you will.
The problem with executing code that was not known at the time of mining the locking script is that this is money that can be unlocked by people coming up with a script to unlock it. That may be neat, but it doesn’t make for good money.
Using the stack to store your code you eval means you can write self-modifying code. This likewise has no place in modern programming strategies. Absolutely double that when it comes to money.
Last reason why storing your code on-stack makes no sense is that stack operations are defined to cost a price to operate on. This will be activated in May. As such either the usage of eval will cost double (once for pushing, once for executing it), or it needs some sort of exception. Which makes the design no longer coherent as a whole.
Further OP_EVAL critisisms;
the chip as it is on github right now writes: “the evaluation may modify the stack and alternate stack without limitation”.
This means you could dirty things like writing a method that does 5 pops.
This idea goes against 60 years of computer science concept and learning, and I don’t like it. It gives the contract writer not just a gun to shoot its own foot, it likely will leave a crater.
operation records the index of the current instruction pointer (A.K.A. pc
) within the OP_EVAL
-ed bytecode."
I read that as a way to skip all code from the jumped-to-position to the first codeseparator and start evaluating there.
This will be useful if you want to write self-modifying code. Which is not something that belongs in money.
I don’t like op-eval. It makes hacky code writing the norm, it provides lots of ways to do extremely dirty things which will make the The Fourth Annual Obfuscated Perl Contest Results - The Perl Journal, Fall 1999 look like easy to understand code.