Discussion of this topic comes up again and again on Telegram in circles, so I thought I’d just copy and paste some in my opinion, conclusive thoughts about the whole idea:
Joey NFT Master Pig | Enter The Sphere, [22/6/22 00:52]
i’m just reading the reddit thread and its all over the place and why CHIP is important
Joey NFT Master Pig | Enter The Sphere, [22/6/22 00:53]
[ Photo ]
this actually kinda outdated…ltc is being choosen over bch
Joey NFT Master Pig | Enter The Sphere, [22/6/22 00:55]
i see you lay a decent discussion about block time, but it was a full year ago
Joey NFT Master Pig | Enter The Sphere, [22/6/22 00:55]
it doesn’t seem to have gained much discussion on bitcoin cash research actually
bitcoincashautist, [22/6/22 01:01]
[In reply to Ghost]
The claim “if you have 10% hashpower then you have a 20% probability of reversing a block” is indeed true… but it ignores one thing: the cost you pay in absolute terms: 20% for 1minute costs 10x less in power bill than 20% for 10minutes
bitcoincashautist, [22/6/22 01:01]
and exchangs are not ignorant of this fact… so you change your block time to 1min, you can be sure they’ll adjust their no. confs accordingly
cheaplightning #125:ghost:
, [22/6/22 01:02]
6 confs becomes 60
Ghost, [22/6/22 01:03]
I see your point, but I think that’s just speculating on what exchanges will do, zcash doge ltc all have 1-2 minute blocks and none of them require 100+ confirmations on exchanges
Joey NFT Master Pig | Enter The Sphere, [22/6/22 01:03]
[In reply to Ghost]
but doing all the work to reduce block times, is also speculating what exchanges will do
cheaplightning #125:ghost:
, [22/6/22 01:03]
at the end of the day exchanges can choose whatever number they want and are not bound by any rules.
, [22/6/22 01:04]
[In reply to Ghost]
We’re at 0.5% of sha256 hashrate, any exchange which doesn’t up confs gets robbed
bitcoincashautist, [22/6/22 01:04]
[In reply to Joey NFT Master Pig | Enter The Sphere]
yup… any benefits are speculative while the costs of having everyone update is certain and hyuge
Ghost, [22/6/22 01:04]
Of course I would want to see exchanges adopt instant 0conf deposits, but I think any large bussiness (not only exchanges) will want at least 1 conf even if its just to be sure
cheaplightning #125:ghost:
, [22/6/22 01:04]
Yes but DSPs dont require massive changes to the entire network and the emission schedule, breaking the fundamental economics of BCH
Ghost, [22/6/22 01:05]
[In reply to sploit#100
But isn’t there a 10 block replay protection?
im_uname#100🍋, [22/6/22 01:06]
[In reply to Ghost]
that 10 block is crudely adjusted against expected orphan rate / fracture risk, if you lower blocktime to 1 minute it’ll become 100 blocks.
bitcoincashautist, [22/6/22 01:06]
yeah but that’d also have to be adjusted to 100 blockc… because if would be too easy to reorg the 10, then you risk a fork which would require manual intervention to get on the correct chain
Joey NFT Master Pig | Enter The Sphere, [22/6/22 01:07]
i think exchanges are also likely getting alot of FUD about BCH, so introducing a blocktime change isn’t going to change their minds
Ghost, [22/6/22 01:07]
Allright I see, that is something that i was not aware of
Max, [22/6/22 01:07]
[In reply to Ghost]
My opinion is there is no point to lower block time until nearly all major exchanges accept 1 block confirmations for BCH.
Max, [22/6/22 01:08]
so if you want a lower block time first get all major exchanges to accept 1 block confirmations, then we can talk more.
Max, [22/6/22 01:08]
Also exchanges won’t be able to accept 0-confirmation transactions. I lay out the issue here. Why some services can not adopt 0-confirmation transactions
im_uname#100🍋, [22/6/22 01:09]
straightforward “reorg protection” is not free, reorgs exist to align everyone on the network - the more “protected” you are the more risk you have that the network breaks apart in two and fall into consensus failure. there’s a reason the reorg protection is 10 blocks instead of just 1 block YOLO