2026 protocol upgrade ideas

We had this old old topic years ago where people wrote what it was that they wanted to happen or work on. Let’s re-do this and get people excited about doing the hard work for the next year to make some more cool stuff happen. I’d gladly assist and maybe we can have some 𝕏 spaces to brainstorm about this. Because most of us are not going to be spending months putting everything on hold to get a CHIP through… Maybe we can pick some we all want and actually cooperate from early day.

I have a long list of stuff that I’d love to see some day, but those largely don’t require any coordination event. As such I won’t mention them here.

My personal list, in no particular order:

  • Milli-sats.
    Needs some ‘breaking’ transaction-format idea to avoid mayhem.
  • OP_ENV which is like a versioning of the VM behavior. Needed to do millisats integration.
  • OP_EVAL fetch data from anywhere on the Tx and execute that in my VM limits.
    Probably quite trivial.
  • OP_PFX. Pay more to get more rights (cpu time) without polluting the blockchain.
    Should be very trivial to do. Only touching the full nodes.
  • OP_LOOP. Because Turing completeness is hot.
  • P2P-network messages “send-tx” and “tx-ack”.
    Today peers use a normal ‘tx’ message to send the transaction. And they may get a ‘rejected’ returned. But they never get a response if it went Ok.
    This idea of the new messages are for transaction producers to solicit either a ‘tx-ack’ or a ‘rejected’ response. An ‘tx-ack’ would also contain extra information indicating if the transaction was already in the mempool and how long the node will keep the transaction in mempool if it doesn’t get mined (too low fees, for instance).

Any I missed? Anything others want?

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  • Nested Proof Of Work / Infrastructure Blocks