BitCANN - Bitcoin Cash for Assigned Names and Numbers – is a decentralized domain name and identity system built on the Bitcoin Cash Blockchain.
- Decentralized Domain Names like
and more. - Add Records, RPA Pay Codes, Add Currency Addresses, Text Records, Custom Records, Social, Email, and more.
- No Renewals or Expiry*
- NFT Domain ownership, enabling secondary market trading.
- Easy lookups
- Sign-In using your Identity
- Plugin for other contract systems
- Earn by protecting the system by:
- Burning illegal registration attempts
- Identifying and burning registration conflicts
- Proving domain violations
Looking forward to feedback and discussions
Additionally, I’d like to open a discussion on how we can audit contract systems like BitCANN and establish a process and how would that process look like? We did some discussion about the same at General Bull 43 “BitCANN and Smart Contract Audits”