
OpenCashDAO is a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) template for the Bitcoin Cash Blockchain. It is designed to empower stakeholders/token holders to influence the project’s direction. It serves as a proposal and voting platform enabling token holders to vote on various proposals to modify the project’s functionality.

  • 1 DAO, ∞ projects : A single DAO can control multiple projects.
  • Proposals and Voting by stakeholders : Anyone can submit proposals and stakeholders/token holders can vote on them.
  • Project Upgradability : Projects can be dynamically updated through community-approved proposals, allowing for the addition, removal, or replacement of functionalities.

Looking forward to feedback and discussions!


  1. Does this system fit in current limits, or does it need new vm-limits (May 2025) ?
  2. There’s number of lines comparing NFT commitments to bytecode that are commented out, what’s the issue for the bug in CS?
  3. Is it fair to say that proposals would allow the dao a new spending path? Would the ability to merge utxos (not carrying tokens) be an example of a proposal that could be adopted by the dao?
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Thank you so much for giving it a look!

  1. It needs new vm limits, I initially designed it to fit in the current limits but it needs a lot of ‘hacks’ and a lot more contracts to stay within the limit.
  2. and
  3. Yes, an update can allow such functionality.

Just create a telegram group for discussions: Telegram: Contact @opencashdao

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This is very very cool and I am looking into it now.

Would be a great subject for a Podcast episode. Perhaps after the Velma upgrade, since we can’t have a mainnet deploy of it for people to try out until then and it would be nice to discuss it on the show when people can at least try a prototype version.