Possible to re-categorize topics later?

I’m wanting to start some topics related to simulations and specifically, evaluation of difficulty algorithms and creation of evaluation suites for that.

I’m not sure what the best category is - I thought about Consensus, Protocol and Technical, and even Random since it doesn’t squarely fit.

So my question is if a topic can easily be relocated later if it turns out it doesn’t fit well into the category chosen by its originator.

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Thanks for bringing this up.

The short answer is yes.
Topics can be relocated.

But it is relevant to have in mind that the relocation counts as posting edition.
Post edition is controlled by Trust Levels system.

As users progress over trust levels, they gain more rights and responsibilities.

To date, Bitcoin Cash Research runs with default parameters in terms of post editing, which means the following:

  1. Editing grace period: 300.
    For (n) seconds after posting, editing will not create a new version in the post history.
  2. Editing grace period max diff: 100.
    Maximum number of character changes allowed in editing grace period, if more changed SuD stores another post revision (tl0 and tl1).
  3. Editing grace period max diff high trust: 400.
    Maximum number of character changes allowed in editing grace period, if more change SuD stores another post revision (tl2 and up).
  4. Post edit time limit: 1440.
    A tl0 or tl1 author can edit their post for (n) minutes after posting.
  5. Tl2 post edit time limit: 43200.
    A tl2+ author can edit their post for (n) minutes after posting.
  6. Edit history visible to public: Active.
    Allow everyone to see previous versions of an edited post. When disabled, only staff members can view.

Of course, these settings can be changed based on feedback to provide a better experience for users and facilitate discussion.

It is also important to mention that Moderators are granted with post edition rights independent of their trust level. Their editions are logged and displayed as any other user.
Moderators could help users wanting to edit a given post out of the time limit.
To prevent unsolicited/unnecessary editions, Moderators are under the same Flagging System conditions as everybody else using SuD.

About Categories themselves, we are looking for the perfect balance to meet community’s needs and, at the same time, not overload the system making it confusing.
Therefore, we are very interested in users’ recommendations in order to define the necessary but sufficient categories.
Your feedback is more than welcome. If you need a particular category to be created let us know.

We can also give Moderators the right to create new categories.
We were waiting for the forum to mature a little more, but we can activate that option now.

Last and somehow related to Categories structure, we are experimenting with (among other extended features) Tagging. Tests at development environment look good, so we plan to include tags in production in the coming days.


To tack onto this one, I wrote a new post (its quiet enough that I likely don’t need to link to it) and I recall there was some talk about “wallets” as a category. It does not exist currently and I would like to request that category (and to assign my post to that one).

What do you think?

Sorry for making you wait a few hours.
We just wanted to confirm with some other users and moderators about your request before taking any action.
We have created a new category: Wallets, and your post has been relocated to it.
Thank you for helping to keep content organized.