Seeking some thoughts/feedback on this idea. This may or may not be already implemented in other coins, it is not exactly a novel idea.
I was looking at some cashscript stuff and it occurred to me that the variable abstraction would be a lot easier to work with if the script machine had some direct access data storage instead of relying on purely sequential access.
I named this script machine registers because the naming convention for the opcodes matches the LOAD and STORE assembley instructions that load/store data to a register.
This is not meant to be a formal chip.
Title: Script Machine Registers
Maintainer: Griffith
Status: Draft
Initial Publication Date: 2024-07-13
Latest Revision Date: 2024-07-13
Version: 0.1
Script Machine Registers
How would they work
By using two opcodes LOAD and STORE we can save up to X variables into script machine registers for easier use later in the script as a more performant alternative to ROLL and PICK. Initially allow for up to 8 (arbitrary value) registers to be used
script machine registers implemented as std::array<StackItem, 8> vRegisters;
in the script machine.
OP_STORE implementation
const StackItem ®ister_value = stackItemAt(-2);
int64_t register_num CScriptNum(stacktop(-1), fRequireMinimal, maxIntegerSize).getint64();
// in the script machine there are only 8 registers (0-7)
// a register number higher than this a failure
if register_num > 7:
script failure
// store the value in the register
vRegisters[register_num] = register_value
PopStack(); // pop the register number off the stack
PopStack(); // pop the stored value off the stack
push 10
push 5
OP_STORE # stores the value 10 into register #5
OP_LOAD implementation
int64_t register_num CScriptNum(stacktop(-1), fRequireMinimal, maxIntegerSize).getint64();
// in the script machine there are only 8 registers (0-7)
// a register number higher than this a failure
if register_num > 7:
script failure
// load the value in the register
const StackItem register_value& = vRegisters[register_num];
PopStack(); // pop the register number off the stack
PushStack(value) // push the loaded value on to the stack
push 5
OP_LOAD # pops the top stack item (5) and replaces it with the contents of that register
TODO - consider clearing the register after the value is pushed on to the stack?
Final script state
It is not required that all registers be empty for the script to complete successfully. If values remain when the script is finished, they are cleared/ignored