It looks like a neat feature to have!
Maybe you already explained it elsewhere but I’ll go ahead and ask – what was the rationale of going with multiple opcodes instead of just one like in Jason’s proposal? His looks cleaner and future proof.
Jason’s OP_PUSHSTATE 0x07
woud push the output index and is functionally equivalent to
So we save a byte, is that it? The cost is having to take a lot of opcode numbers and being limited in number of types of introspection. Sure, Jason’s 256 is still limited but it is an order of magnitude bigger number so would give us more headroom if we later think about some other neat introspection, possibly even derived, like a calculated value based on some TX data?
As you already demonstrated with your anyhedge example, we’d save a lot of space by having the feature in either form, so is saving that one extra byte really worth it?
With Jason’s you could enable multi-push too, say a template 0xFF for multipush which has to be followed by number of templates and then the actual templates, and nesting another 0xFF forbidden, so you could do:
OP_PUSHSTATE 0xFF <count> <template1> <template2> ... <templateN>
OP_PUSHSTATE 0xFF 0x02 0x06 0x07
Which would push output hash and index to the stack.
Hell, you could even implement a simple calculator with these sub-opcodes to get some derived values. Dunno, maybe this is taboo, because one could get carried away and use a single opcode to enable a whole other programming language in the bytecode following it…