CHIP 2021-05 Targeted Virtual Machine Limits

The problem is over-complicating stuff, an open standard that has too many little limits and features. I call it an open standard a little bit optimistically, but if we want more implementations in the decades to come we have to see it as such.

For instance the quadratic hashing issue caused a consensus change in BitcoinCash various years ago based on very similar discusions that did not include actual real hardware testing. Just models and speculation. Even though various years before that the actual issue was already shown to be a non-issue. I want to make sure we don’t make the same type of mistake again.

The idea I showed above about a cost to each opcode that is being run would replace a lot of different concepts:

Big chunks of:

And indeed the proposed 1000 hash-units from this chip draft.

So, to reiterate my point, requirements are great input to this discussion. I fully trust Jason to be capable and motivated to find the lower limits he feels we should be able to process in a BitcoinCash full node.
Now lets check what the actual, tested-in-running-software bottlenecks are before we introduce new consensus level limits, no?

Edit; sigop-limits were introduced by Core a very long time ago, similarly without actually doing the research which is why we replaced them in bch the first moment we got as they were useless to actually protect the thing they were supposed to protect.
Not a new thing, the problem I’m trying to fight here. :slight_smile:

Great CHIP!

Got me wondering if there could be any historical UTXOs secured by hashes that would become vulnerable to a length-extension or identical-prefix collision attack as a result of the element size increase.

The answer is no, that’s not how hashes get used in Bitcoin, but I was interested to discover Peter Todd’s SHA1 collision bounty where the winner extracted a 520byte collision from a 422kB collision (two PDFs) to satisfy the element size limit.


When thinking about the effects of contract authors having targeted VM Limits, it came up that targeted VM Limits could serve as a natural intermediate step to see whether MAST would be a big optimization long term.

If with targeted VM limits we see contract authors write smart contract code in a single script instead of utilizing ‘side car outputs’ then the smart contract bytecode will have a lot of unused functions taking up space. This is might a reasonable tradeoff on Bitcoin Cash where transaction fees are low, and developer time (DX) is an important limiting factor.

MAST optimizes this case where contracts have a bunch of unused functions in the contract code, compared to the case where there are separate ‘side car outputs’ with the logic for unused scripts.

We would then have a better, more realistic estimate/calculation of the space-savings that MAST would offer :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Stack memory usage limit should count size of both the primary and “alt” stack

Note that there are two stacks in the VM – the primary stack and the “alt” stack (accessed by e.g. OP_FROMALTSTACK and OP_TOALTSTACK).

The current stack depth limit of 1000 applies to the depth of both stacks summed together.

Proposal: You should update the spec to specify that the 130,000 byte limit should apply to both altstack and the primary stack summed together.

In this way, this mirrors current logic for the stack depth limit.


Specification should specify at what point during execution the stack memory usage limit is enforced

I would suggest the specification specify that the 130,000 byte limit is enforced after the currently-executed OP code completes .

Why specify this? Because it makes it very clear and future-proofs the specification.

Note: the current stack limit of 1000 only is enforced after the execution of the current OP code completes.

Further rationale: We may introduce future opcodes that are complex and that temporarily exceed limits, only to resume back to below-limit after op-code-completion. As such, the limit should be specified to apply at some specific point. And it makes sense to mirror current operation of the stack depth limit (which only applies the stack depth limit after the current op-code completes execution).


In the spec, what is the definition of an “evaluation” for the purposes of hitting the hash ops limit? For example, a p2sh:

(1) evaluates the locking script, hashing the redeemscript via e.g. OP_HASH160 or whatever.
(2) then it does another evaluation using the redeemscript (which itself may contain further hashing op codes).

When (2) begins evaluating redeemscript, is the hash count reset to 0 or does it continue where (1) left off for the counts?

EDIT: So far in my test implementation, I am having it not reset to 0 as it proceeds to the redeemscript, thus the hashOps count is 1 when the redeemScript begins execution in the p2sh case.

EDIT2: For the hash limit: OP_CHECKSIG and friends don’t count towards the hash ops limit, right?


I’m late to the party, but I wanted to share, I brought myself up to date with the CHIP, and notably the 130kB limit lacks a rationale.

I understand that it is preserving the current maximum limit, but it is not stated as to why we’d want to keep the current maximum.

Thank you in advance, and sorry if this has already been addressed, the thread is way too long to parse in one go, sorry!


It has a rationale. Please read the spec section: GitHub - bitjson/bch-vm-limits: By fixing poorly-targeted limits, we can make Bitcoin Cash contracts more powerful (without increasing validation costs). – in particular expand out the " Selection of 130,000 Byte Stack Memory Usage Limit " bullet point.

In summary: 130KB is the limit we implicitly have now. The new explicit limit just preserves status quo.

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I worry now that with 10KB pushes, it might be possible for miner-only txns to contain data blobs in the scriptSig. We have 1650 byte limit as a relay rule for scriptSig – but what do people think about moving that limit to consensus perhaps as part of a separate CHIP?

Without having done the in depth research probably required, I am in favour of making consensus rules in alignment with relay rules, I’m still not entirely sure why they’re different. Maybe there is a good reason, so Chesterton’s Fence says not to fuck that up, but it seems like an area the BCH community should be looking into anyway. Of course, we’re all unreasonably busy.


My two cents here: fwiw I am 10000% in favor of just tightening consensus rules to 100% match relay rules now. The fact that the two differ seems to me like the original Bitcoin devs (before they were captured)… were deprecating some things and they intended to remove them. FWIW I think it would make life a lot easier on everybody if consensus tightened to precisely match relay. No surprises. No possibility also of perverse incentives. This is because consensus rules are so liberal they may end up allowing for… shenanigans. Better to plug that hole. My two cents.


I agree.

I am still waiting for somebody to give a good reason “why not”.

Until I hear some strong arguments against, I will remain in support of this.


Two reasons.

First, it is a pipe dream. You can take all todays relay rules and make them consensus rules. But tomorrow someone may introduce new relay rules. You’re back to square one.
Or, in other words, if your intention is to equalize a decentralized system, you’re doing it wrong.

Second reason is that the standard rules (here named relay rules for some reason) are tightening of the consensus rules mostly beyond what is reasonable in a proper free market system. To be clear, we don’t actually yet have a free market system. Which is why those tightened rules make sense today.

A set of properties are currently not possible to be adjusted by the free market. There isn’t enough volume for one, but more importantly there is no software that exists that allows those properties to be taken into account when doing Bitcoiny things (like mining).

Make those tools and then make the properties like op-return size, script-type, script-size etc etc able to be limited by the free market, and you don’t need them as standard rules anymore, and certainly not as consensus rules.

I don’t understand, I think you meant the reverse.

Take all the consensus rules and copy them to the relay rules (source relay rules from consensus rules).

Isn’t it?

Then you achieve 100% coherency in the decentralized system plus also you increase consistency too, since the system is more “obvious” and transparent about everything.

You seem to think that “standard” rules (you call relay rules) are somehow set by a central party and not somehow decentralized.

The reality is that any miner or merchant can add new rules to their node on which they reject transactions.

To repeat:

if your intention is to equalize a decentralized system, you’re doing it wrong.

No you’re not. The entire reason for a blockchain is to have decentralised agreement on an “equal” set of transactions.

Some things can be user adjustable sure. But some things can’t. We’re just discussing what falls into each category.

Maybe today there is quite a lot of flexibility on relay rules. In future, perhaps the “default” is to have a much less flexible set, everything being more likely consensus.

Does that mean we should or could somehow BAN people doing stuff on their own node? No, of course not. Does it mean we could benefit from having more sensible defaults so that the likelihood of discrepancies is smaller? Yes, absolutely.

Same as ABLA. Do you NEED to use ABLA, could you instead just manually tweak your own blocksize to be above the limit? Yes. Is that what most people are likely to do? No, they’ll just use ABLA & that’s brilliant.

Having better sensible defaults is not the same as attempting to ban or deny some kind of configurability, and having sensible defaults is a really really good idea (and trying to prevent progress on better defaults by trying to conflate them with an attempt to ban alternatives is not).

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Yup, anyone can patch their node to make their own node’s relay rules tighter than consensus.

Can we really expect that people would start experimenting with relaxing relay rules on their own? AFAIK the only precedent of this happened with Inscriptions/Ordinals where some pools created a way to get some non-standard TXs mined.

Those are what you call consensus rules. Relay rules are more like: “I won’t bother with this TX for now, even though it is valid. I’ll get it later if it gets mined.”

This. If the default is that relay rules are much stricter than consensus, then some pools relaxing it on their own could put others at a disadvantage, because everyone else would have to download a bunch of “unseen” TXs once the more lax pool would announce their block.

Q re. impact on DSPs: if some edge node sees a TX violating its relay rules and trying to double-spend a TX which was relay-compliant, will it still generate and propagate a DSP?

If the default is that relay rules are == consensus by default, then whomever patches their node to make relay more strict would put themselves at a disadvantage (because he’d have to later download a bunch of TXs all at once on block announcement).

You might want to refer to the earlier post instead where this was addressed as “second reason”:

I don’t know, the only reason I pointed this out is because the GOAL of equalizing a decentralized system is not really tenable. It should not be a goal just like you don’t have as a goal to create a language that all people talk. The moment you think you succeeded, someone WILL change something. So, I repeat, if your GOAL is to equalize a decentralized system (a group of random people) you’re doing it wrong. Instead, embrace the chaos and make sure you’re capable of dealing with failures.
This is like making sure all cars drive the same speed, they won’t. Not as long as you have people driving them.

Oh, I get your point now.

Sure, what you are saying might happen, but it most probably won’t happen.

Miners are the most following part of BTC and BCH ecosystem. It has been the rule for the last 8 years. I am not seeing this changing.

So, what will happen is miners will follow whatever rules BCHN makes by default, like they follow the fee inclusion rules right now. Unless we break stuff and make life hard for them.

So, historically and psychologically/socially your argument is unfortunately completely incorrect.

It is usually a good decision to increase consistency in a decentralized system, it makes it easier for system participants to stay in sync. Assuming they will follow, which they most probably will.


This is why increasing consistency and transparency is the way. Having an incosistent or not transparent decentralised system is a quick way to create chaos and trouble for ourselves in the future, like in the example you gave.

Sourcing the TX relay rules from TX fee inclusion rules is one of the ways to create more transparency and consistency.